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Female-Female Adapters
Female-Female Hybrid Adapters
Male-Female Hybrid Adapters

Female-Female Adapters

All singlemode and multimode adapters come with high-precision zirconia ceramic split sleeves! Available in Simplex, Duplex or Quad configurations. Compatible to Telcordia GR-326-CORE. Quantity pricing!

ST spojniki - ST adapters
To mount 09352 and 09353 adapters a double-D mounting hole 9.5x8mm is used. Adapter 0934Z has a Rectangular flange 22x9.5x3mm and is suitable for screwless installation directly into angled holders for adapters of the new EZZ patch panel 015M.
09352ST/ST MM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve1,32 € 
09353ST/ST SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve1,37 € 
0934ZST/ST SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, Rectangular Flange1,76 € 
Available housing colors for adapters: beige (OM1, OM2), aqua (OM3), violet (OM4), lime green (OM5), blue (SM) and green (SM APC).
When ordering MM adapters, please specify requested housing color!

SC (Simplex) and LCD (Duplex) adapter has same mounting hole. Required panel thickness for snap-in fitting is 1.6mm.
0935HSC/SC MM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, SENKO0,83 € 
0935JSC/SC SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, SENKO0,83 € 
0935LSCAPC/SCAPC SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, SENKO0,83 € 
Available housing colors for adapters: beige (OM1, OM2), aqua (OM3), violet (OM4), lime green (OM5), blue (SM) and green (SM APC).
When ordering MM adapters, please specify requested housing color!

SCD (Duplex) and LCQ (Quad) adapter has same mounting hole. Required panel thickness for snap-in fitting is 1.6mm.
0935PSCD/SCD MM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, SENKO1,64 € 
0935QSCD/SCD SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, SENKO1,64 € 
0935RSCDAPC/SCDAPC SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, SENKO1,64 € 
Available housing colors for adapters: beige (OM1, OM2), aqua (OM3), violet (OM4), lime green (OM5), blue (SM) and green (SM APC).
When ordering MM adapters, please specify requested housing color!

SC (Simplex) and LCD (Duplex) adapter has same mounting hole. Required panel thickness for snap-in fitting is 1.6mm.
0936HLCD/LCD MM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, SENKO1,26 € 
0936JLCD/LCD SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, SENKO1,26 € 
0936LLCDAPC/LCDAPC SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, SENKO1,26 € 
Available housing colors for adapters: beige (OM1, OM2), aqua (OM3), violet (OM4), lime green (OM5), blue (SM) and green (SM APC).
When ordering MM adapters, please specify requested housing color!

SCD (Duplex) and LCQ (Quad) adapter has same mounting hole. Required panel thickness for snap-in fitting is 1.6mm.
0936NLCQ/LCQ MM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, SENKO 2,82 € 
0936OLCQ/LCQ SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, SENKO2,82 € 
0936PLCQAPC/LCQAPC SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, SENKO2,82 € 
Različni FC spojniki - FC adapter types
Adapters 09371 and 09373 have D style mounting hole, adapters 09372 and 09374 have a Square flange 15x15x4mm (suitable for screw-less installation directly into angled holders for adapters of the new EZZ patch panel 015M), and adapters 09377 and 09378 have a Rectangular flange 22x9.5x3mm.
09371FC/FC SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, D-hole1,50 € 
09373FCAPC/FCAPC SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, D-hole1,50 € 
09372FC/FC SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, Square flange1,76 € 
09374FCAPC/FCAPC SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, Square flange1,76 € 
09377FC/FC SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, Rectangular Flange1,76 € 
09378FCAPC/FCAPC SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, Rectangular Flange1,76 € 
E2000/E2000 SM, E2000APC/E2000APC SM simplex couplers, R&M
E2000 Simplex adapter has same mounting hole as SC Simplex in the drawing. Required panel thickness 1.6mm for snap-in fitting.
09391E2000/E2000 SM simplex coupler, R&M7,44 € 
09392E2000APC/E2000APC SM simplex coupler, R&M7,44 € 
LX5D/LX5D SM, LC5DAPC/LX5DAPC SM couplers, Huber+Suhner
LX5D (Duplex) adapter has same mounting hole as SC Simplex in the drawing. Required panel thickness 1.6mm for snap-in fitting.
09396LX5D/LX5D SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, Huber+Suhner9,87 € 
09397LX5DAPC/LX5DAPC SM coupler, zirconia alignment sleeve, Huber+Suhner9,87 € 
SENKO MPO adapter
MPO adapter provides quick connection for up to 72 fibers. Standard color of 0939F is black, aqua or heather violet are also available. 0939G is gray.
0939FSENKO MPO adapter with key-up to key-down5,27 € 
0939GSENKO MPO adapter with key-up to key-up5,27 € 

Female-Female Hybrid Adapters

ST/FC hybrid adapter
09355ST/FC hybrid adapter, zirconia alignment sleeve3,75 € 
SC/FC hybrid adapter
SC/FC adapter has same mounting hole as SC Simplex in the drawing. Required panel thickness 1.6mm for snap-in fitting.
0935DSC/FC hybrid adapter, zirconia alignment sleeve3,75 € 
SC/LC hybrid adapter
SC/LC adapter has same mounting hole as SC Simplex in the drawing. Required panel thickness 1.6mm for snap-in fitting.
0935ESC/LC hybrid adapter, zirconia alignment sleeve17,85 € 
FC/LC hybrid adapter
09376FC/LC hybrid adapter, zirconia alignment sleeve17,85 € 
25 screws M2x8
0939T25 screws M2x8 with nut2,83 € 

Male-Female Hybrid Adapters

Spojnik SC, SCAPC moški na LC, LCAPC ženski - SC, SCAPC male to LC, LCAPC female SM adapter
0937ZSC male to SCAPC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 
0937ASCAPC male to SC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 
0937BSC male to LC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 
0937CSC male to LCAPC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 
0937DSCAPC male to LC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 
0937ESCAPC male to LCAPC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 
Spojnik FC, FCAPC moški na LC, LCAPC ženski - FC, FCAPC male to LC, LCAPC female SM adapter
0937PFC male to SC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 
0937QFC male to SCAPC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 
0937RFCAPC male to SC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 
0937SFCAPC male to SCAPC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 
0937FFC male to LC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 
0937GFC male to LCAPC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 
0937HFCAPC male to LC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 
0937IFCAPC male to LCAPC female SM hybrid adapter17,85 € 

Besides most popular couplings, full range of SM and MM couplings for DIN, MTRJ, Opti-Jack, MU, FSMA, E2000, PC or APC connectors are available.