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Technology Products & Services        EZZ e-newsletter 09012018  
Mini ADSS kabel in obešala - Mini aerial cable Opton and cable clamps Telenco    Mini ADSS cables
The Opton cable is an universal UV protected self supporting cable designed for indoor or outdoor use and for aerial FTTH installations with a span length up to 80 meters. Temperature range from -40ºC to +60ºC. Cable is packed on comfortable rotating reels for easy conduction and installation.
ADSS cable Ø 3mm, 2 G657A2 fibers (PU 1000 m)
ADSS cable Ø 3mm, 4 G657A2 fibers (PU 1000 m)
UV resistant Telenco clamp is composed of a mandrel shaped body and an opened bail that can be locked into the clamp body. Designed for cables Ø 2 to 6mm with a bend insensitive G657A fibers and for a lifespan of minimum 25 years.
Aerial and drop cable clamp Telenco (PU 10 pcs)
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