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FlexScan OTDR za testiranje delujočih in ne-delujočih PON povezav - 1310/1550/1650 nm PON OTDR for live PON troubleshooting
Pocket-sized FlexScan FS200 with its SmartAuto mode for fast network troubleshooting and easy-to-understand LinkMap results with pass/fail indications provides technicians to have everything they need to accurately detect, locate, identify and measure network components and faults!
FS200 can differentiate poor splices from macro-bends, qualify and troubleshoot in-service and out-of-service PON or P2P installations! Plus VFL, Wave ID Source (LS), Power Meter (PM) and Bluetooth/Wi-Fi communications (BT)!
Use FS200-304 PON OTDR for live PON troubleshooting!
Kit includes selected FlexScan model with AC charger, battery, carry strap, SC/2.5 mm connector adapters, TRM 2.0, quick reference user guide, USB cable and carry case.
FS200-100 1310/1550 OTDR, VFL, AFL
FS200-304 1310/1550/1650 OTDR, VFL, BT
FS200-304 1310/1550/1650 OTDR, VFL, LS, PM, ..
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EZZ d.o.o., C. v Mestni log 77, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia   Phone +386 1 423 69 50, Fax +386 1 256 38 77,