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Technology Products & Services EZZ e-newsletter 13032018 |
DIN Rail Distributor
Carries up to 6 SC Duplex adapters and 12 splice protectors or with installed improvements 6 LC Quad adapters and 24 splice protectors. Front plates for 6 SC, 12 SC or 12 ST/FC adapters available.
Adapters and
pig-tails are not included. |
Kit includes metal housing with cable entries (top and bottom) prepared for M20, front panel with screws, splice cassette, 1 or 2 holder (with double height) for
standard splice protectors, cable gland M20 and Alu DIN Rail clip. |
DIN rail distributor 61x115x113mm for 6 SCD adapt. |
DIN rail distributor 61x115x113mm for 6 LCQ adapt. |
Splice & Test Equipment ▪ Arc Fusion Splicer Repair Service ▪ Test Equipment Calibration LAB
Renewed Equipment ▪ Cables ▪ Fiber Optic Supplies ▪ Tools ▪ Media Converters & SFPs |
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EZZ owns certificate Excellent SME Slovenia issued by Chamber of Commerce together with credit rating agency COFACE, and IQNet & SIQ certificate for management system according to ISO 9001 standard. |
EZZ d.o.o., C. v Mestni log 77, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone +386 1 423 69 50, Fax +386 1 256 38 77, info@ezz.si |