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VFL tester in Prepoznavalec živega vlakna - Visual Fault Locator and Fiber Identifier   Fiber Identifier and VFL
VFL locates faults visually by creating a bright red glow at the exact location of the fault on SM or MM fibers. In addition can finds faults inside your OTDR’s dead-zone!
VFL 650nm LD3a, ferrule type 2.50, up to 6km
VFL 650nm LD3b, ferrule type 2.50, over 12km
FID Fiber Identifier with world's highest signal detection sensitivity identifies the light presence in optical fibers and offers 3 detecting functions: TONE, TRAFFIC and ONU!
Model FID-30R includes an optical power meter with universal connector head. Other heads to be ordered separately.
Fiber Identifier FID-31R, Fujikura
Fiber Identifier FID-30R with Power Meter, Fujikura
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