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Technology Products & Services        EZZ e-newsletter 22052018  
Originalne in OEM nadomestne elektrode - Genuine and OEM spare electrodes    Precisely Tested Electrodes
Due to additional test procedures we may guarantee the best quality for each pair and the longest possible lifetime! Even more, the last test is always done prior sale! That's why the EZZ's electrodes are high precision, long life, and durable products with an average of 2000 splices!     More electrodes..
Electrodes EI-19 for Swift F1/F3, Ilsintech
Electrodes EI-21 for Swift S3/K7, Ilsintech
Electrodes EI-23 for Swift K11, Ilsintech
Electrodes ELCT1-25 for FSM-30S/40S, Fujikura
Electrodes ELCT2-20A for 50S/60S/70S, Fujikura
Electrodes S960 for S176/S177A, Fitel
Electrodes S969 for S153A/S178A, Fitel
Electrodes ER-10 for T25e/39/66/Q101/46, Sumitomo
Splice & Test Equipment  ▪  Arc Fusion Splicer Repair Service  ▪  Test Equipment Calibration LAB
Renewed Equipment  ▪  Cables  ▪  Fiber Optic Supplies  ▪  Tools ▪  Media Converters & SFPs
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EZZ owns certificate Excellent SME Slovenia issued by the Chamber of Commerce together with credit rating agency COFACE, and IQNet & SIQ certificate for management system according to ISO 9001:2015 standard.
EZZ d.o.o., C. v Mestni log 77, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia   Phone +386 1 423 69 50, Fax +386 1 256 38 77,