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Spojke za 24 do 216 spojev - Closures for 24 up to 216 splices  
Up to 216 splices
Inline connect closure FDM1-FO with 2 round entries for cables from 4,5-10mm is widely used for the re-connecting of the damaged fiber optic cables! It's simple, efficient, reusable, non-corrosive and absolute resistant against chemicals!
Inline Splice Closure FDM1-FO kit for 24 splices, Friedl
Mini closure 015XV has separate strain relief points for strength member and Kevlar reinforcement, 3 round entries for cables 8-20mm and 1 oval entry for cable up to 25mm or for uncut cable up to 15mm in diameter, and offers sealing ..
Mini Dome Splice Closure 015XV kit for 48 splices, EZZ
Dome closure 015Y1 has a transitional hole for greater accessibility, strain relief points for strength member and Kevlar reinforcement, 6 cable entries: (4) Ø 8-21, (1) Ø 8-15 and (1) oval port for uncut cable Ø 25mm. Up to 216 splices!
Medium Dome Closure 015Y1 kit with 2 cassettes, EZZ
Additional Cassette (12-24 splices) for closure 015Y1
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Fiber Optic Center maintains a Quality Management System for manufacturing and servicing of passive copper and fiber optic communication systems to ISO 9001:2015 standard.
EZZ d.o.o., C. v Mestni log 77, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia   Phone +386 1 423 69 50, Fax +386 1 256 38 77,