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Technology Products & Services         EZZ e-newsletter 16032022  
All replacement electrodes are designed, manufactured and tested to perform from 2,000 to 10,000 and more stable splices! And all fixed and auto rotating multi-position cleaver blades are designed for 40,000 to 70,000 and more high precision cleaves!
Preizkušanje elektrod - Electrodes testing system
EZZ has established a special testing system for electrodes and cleaver blades, which enable us to guarantee the best quality for each electrode or blade and the longest lifetime! Test is performed with microscope and micrometer.
Tested Electrodes and Blades
Original and OEM electrodes and multi-position cleaver blades are made from tungsten carbide for a long lifespan!
Elektrode in noži za rezalnike - Electrodes and cleaver blades
Splice & Test Equipment  ▪  Arc Fusion Splicer Repair Service  ▪  Test Equipment Calibration LAB
Renewed Equipment  ▪  Cables  ▪  Fiber Optic Supplies  ▪  Tools ▪  Media Converters & SFPs
Free access to prices and data sheets is available in the Online Shop, and registration is required to purchase! Pay in the agreed way, by card or from your PayPal account!
EZZ d.o.o., C. v Mestni log 77, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia   phone +386 1 423 69 50    e-mail